Guided Meditation Classes for Beginners
From time to time, depending on numbers, I will run guided meditation classes for beginners. These classes give the initiate an introduction to the stress reducing, uplifting gifts that meditation can give and will be introduced to a number of differing types of meditation over a few weeks. Students can make the choice of how they will position themselves for the session choosing to lay down on a mat or seated on a chair or the floor. See the section below for more information. The student will be guided through each step of the meditation and leave with some basic skills which will allow them to practice meditation at home. A digital recording of the guided meditation will also be available for purchase should the student so desire.
Lying meditation
Meditation can be practiced in a lying position. Mats will be provided. Bring a pillow along if you wish and If the weather is cold, feel free to bring a blanket.
Seated meditation
Seated meditation may be done either by sitting on the ground or on a chair. Which ever is more comfortable for you. You may bring along a neck cushion and a blanket if you wish.
Walking meditation
Walking meditation is a beautiful way to experience meditation. It can be done indoors and, weather permitting, outdoors. Done outdoors gives you a grounding experinece at the same time but we will go into this more during a class.